TFAC067 Walking Together: Principles and Approaches for Decolonization


Course Description

In Walking Together, an online theoretical course designed for instructors and facilitators, you'll learn to be purposeful when designing courses, pedagogical approaches, and assessments that consider Indigenous learners. You'll engage with the 94 Calls to Action from the report from The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (2015) in this module-based course.

Throughout the course, you'll work individually and collaboratively to redesign and co-construct new approaches to work in Indigenous contexts and with Indigenous communities. While the time investment each week will vary (average 3.5 hours), you can expect a variety of resources and materials that will invite individual reflection, collaborative action, and hopefully, social change.

Course Outline

In this course, you will:

  • Review examples of what constitutes Decolonization, Resurgence, and Reconciliation
  • Expand your knowledge and understanding of Indigenous epistemologies and pedagogies
  • Naturalize the presence of Indigenous epistemologies and pedagogies in educational contexts
  • Apply the principles of Reciprocity, Relevance, Relationships, and Respect in your immediate teaching and learning contexts
  • Bring social change to life: Explore considerations to design courses, pedagogical approaches, and assessments that will consider Indigenous learners

Learner Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Recognize what constitutes Decolonization, Resurgence, and Reconciliation
  • Know and understand of Indigenous epistemologies and pedagogies
  • Naturalize the presence of Indigenous epistemologies and pedagogies in educational contexts
  • Apply the principles of Reciprocity, Relevance, Relationships, and Respect in your immediate teaching and learning contexts
  • Bring social change to life: Explore considerations to design courses, pedagogical approaches, and assessments that will consider Indigenous learners

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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