The Alternative Dispute Resolution Institution of British Columbia's Arbitrator Course

1 Courses Required


The Alternative Dispute Resolution Institution of British Columbia's Arbitrator Course

The Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute of British Columbia's (ADRBC) Interactive online Arbitrator Training Course provides both lawyers and non-lawyers with the basic skills necessary to become an effective Arbitrator. The course provides an introduction to the basic principles of law governing contract law, an intensive review of the conduct of arbitration proceedings, the BC Arbitration Act, and the commonly used rules of procedure. Additionally, students will learn how to conduct a hearing and how to write a reasoned award.

The course will provide an introduction to the basic principles of law governing contract law and selected types of contracts. This is of primary value to non-lawyers and provides a refresher course for the lawyers enrolled. There follows an intensive review of the conduct of arbitration proceedings, including an in-depth review of the BC Arbitration Act and the commonly used rules of procedure. The special provisions governing Family arbitration are also elucidated.

Students will learn how to evaluate different types of evidence; navigate practice issues and ethical concerns; and, how to ensure natural justice in distance, documents-only, and in-person hearings. There will be an opportunity to act as an arbitrator in an on-line role-play hearing. Students will also have the opportunity to practise writing a clear and effective arbitration award

This course also supports ADRBC's service agreement with a number of B.C. automobile insurers, as a pathway to providing Arbitration Services pursuant to Sections 176 & 177 of the Insurance (Vehicle) Act Regulation.  The curriculum places intensive focus on methods of determining a vehicle's Actual Cash Value in the insurance context, by way of a documents-only Arbitration process.  Successful completion of this optional module will render program graduates eligible to apply for ADRBC's Automobile Arbitration Roster, subject to available Roster capacity and the needs of subscribing insurers

Learning Outcomes:

  • Understand the basic principles of law relevant to commercial disputes
  • Understand the role of applicable arbitration acts and rules of procedure
  • Analyze and evaluate different types of evidence
  • Conduct distance, documents-only, and in-person arbitration hearings
  • Write well-reasoned and articulate arbitration awards

*Individuals who are successful in completing the ADRBC Arbitrator Training Course content and assessments will be eligible to apply for the Alternative Dispute Resolution Institute of Canada (ADRIC) 'Qualified Arbitrator' (Q.Arb) designation.

Required Textbooks (additional cost):

Note: this is a REQUIRED textbook to be ordered externally by the student

Learner Effort: Approximately 4-7 hours per week

Computer Requirements:

A week prior to the course start date you will receive an email from us with information on how to access the online course. At that time you will be encouraged to visit a short orientation website to familiarize yourself with our online learning platform. You will find the computer requirements for this course here.

Contact us

Professional & Continuing Studies: Certificate Inquiry

Our advisors are also here by email to answer your questions and provide you with the information you need, including:

  • Certificate and course details
  • Campus and student services

Additional Details

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