Professional Certificate in Effective People Management

6 Courses Required

Program Description

Register now to add new skills to restock your management toolkit. Pick up the skills to have difficult conversations and explore ways to level up your leadership skills. This flexible professional certificate allows you to choose the courses that will help you fill in the blanks so you can get back to leading your team with efficiency and skill.

Program Outline

In this certificate program, you will:

  • Complete 4 core courses focusing on essential supervisory skills
  • Choose 2 elective courses to tailor your learning to your specific needs
  • Engage in flexible online courses that fit your schedule
  • Explore techniques for having difficult conversations
  • Discover methods to level up your leadership skills

Program Outcomes

By the end of this certificate program, you will be able to:

  • Apply effective leadership techniques to manage your team
  • Conduct difficult conversations with confidence
  • Utilize a range of management tools to enhance team performance
  • Customize your learning experience through elective courses
  • Lead with increased efficiency and skill

Who the Certificate is for

This program is designed for new and experienced supervisors, team leaders, and managers who want to enhance their leadership capabilities and management skills. It is ideal for individuals looking to improve their ability to handle difficult conversations, lead effectively, and manage their teams more efficiently.

Program Details

Delivery Format

  • Courses in this professional certificate are delivered online.

Completion Requirements

  • 6 online courses consisting of:
    • 4 Core Courses
    • 2 Elective Courses

Program Schedule

  • Register and complete individual courses at your own pace. We recommend certificates be completed within 2 years.
  • Courses are subject to availability and listed courses are not guaranteed to be offered every term.

How to Register

  • Register in any of the courses within the certificate and you will automatically be registered in the certificate.

Contact Us

Professional & Continuing Studies: Certificate Inquiry

Our advisors are also here by email to answer your questions and provide you with the information you need, including:

  • Certificate and course details
  • Campus and student services

Additional Details


StrongerBC future skills grant 2024/2025

For residents of BC applying for  StrongerBC future skills grant, program tuition is $3500.00

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