DTRN060 Digital Transformation: Culture and Trends


Course Description

Step into the cultural dimensions of digital transformation and the cutting-edge trends redefining industries. Discover the critical importance of fostering a digital culture that embraces innovation and change.

Learn about the transformative impact of emerging technologies and gain insights into the trends that are shaping the future of digital business. Equip yourself with the knowledge and skills to advocate for and lead the implementation of these technologies within your organization, driving successful and sustainable digital transformation. Get ready to become a catalyst for change and steer your organization towards a digitally empowered future.

Course Outline

Throughout this course, you will explore the foundational concepts of digital culture and its pivotal role in driving business transformation. You will analyze real-world examples of successful digital transformations and discuss how emerging technologies are shaping current and future digital business trends.

Engage in dynamic class discussions and case studies to gain a deeper understanding of effective digital transformation strategies. You will develop strategies to foster a culture of innovation and openness to change within your organization and learn about the key trends influencing the future of digital business.

Learner Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Advocate for the adoption and implementation of emerging digital technologies within your organization by understanding their impact and potential benefits
  • Develop strategies to cultivate a culture of innovation and openness to change, essential for successful digital transformation
  • Analyze real-world examples of digital transformations to identify key success factors and potential pitfalls
  • Evaluate current trends in the digital business environment and assess their implications for future business strategies
  • Communicate effectively about digital transformation concepts, leveraging case studies and class discussions to support your arguments

Who It's For

This course is ideal for business professionals, managers, and team leaders who want to enhance their understanding of digital transformation culture and trends. It is particularly beneficial for those looking to lead digital initiatives and drive innovation within their organizations.

Learner Effort: 

4-6 hours/week

Applies Towards the Following Certificates


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Section Title
Digital Transformation: Culture and Trends
Jan 06, 2025 to Feb 02, 2025
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Tuition non-credit $795.00
Section Notes
Course Drop or Withdrawal
A course drop or withdrawal can be requested by students through the Student Portal. Deadline dates for each noted below:
   Drop Deadline: Jan 08, 2025
   Withdrawal Deadline: Jan 20, 2025
Course Transfer
Students wishing to transfer sections or courses should contact PCS directly for support: PCS Email

All drops, withdrawals and transfers are subject to the applicable Refund Policy.
Section Title
Digital Transformation: Culture and Trends
Apr 07, 2025 to May 04, 2025
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Tuition non-credit $795.00
Section Notes
Course Drop or Withdrawal
A course drop or withdrawal can be requested by students through the Student Portal. Deadline dates for each noted below:
   Drop Deadline: Apr 09, 2025
   Withdrawal Deadline: Apr 21, 2025
Course Transfer
Students wishing to transfer sections or courses should contact PCS directly for support: PCS Email

All drops, withdrawals and transfers are subject to the applicable Refund Policy.
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