DTRN055 Digital Transformation: Leading Projects and Change


Course Description

Dive deep into the practical aspects of steering digital transformation projects and effectively managing change within your organization. You'll explore cutting-edge project management methodologies and innovative change management strategies, all while understanding the pivotal role of leadership in driving digital success.

Equip yourself with the essential tools and techniques to seamlessly integrate digital technologies across all business areas, fostering a holistic shift in operations, customer engagement, and value delivery. Prepare to lead with confidence and transform your organization in the digital age

Course Outline

In this course, you will delve into project management methodologies specifically tailored for digital transformation and explore the critical importance of change management strategies in achieving successful outcomes. You will gain insights into the role of leadership in driving digital change and analyze real-world case studies of successful transformations.

Through engaging class discussions and interactive group activities, you will develop strategies to overcome resistance to change and enhance your practical skills in communication and collaboration within digital contexts.

Learner Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Develop comprehensive project management plans specifically tailored for digital transformation initiatives, ensuring alignment with organizational goals and stakeholder needs
  • Implement effective change management strategies to facilitate smooth transitions and address resistance within organizations during digital transformation projects
  • Exhibit leadership skills essential for driving digital change, including motivating teams, managing conflicts, and fostering a culture of innovation and adaptability
  • Analyze and apply real-world case studies to understand the successes and challenges of digital transformation projects, drawing practical insights for application in their own contexts
  • Utilize digital communication and collaboration tools to enhance project coordination, stakeholder engagement, and overall project success in a digital environment

Who It's For

This course is ideal for project managers, team leaders, and business professionals looking to enhance their skills in leading digital transformation and managing organizational change. It is particularly beneficial for those involved in planning and leading digital projects, managing change initiatives, or working in PMOs.

Learner Effort

4-6 hours/week

Applies Towards the Following Certificates


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Section Title
Digital Transformation: Leading Projects and Change
May 26, 2025 to Jun 22, 2025
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Tuition non-credit $795.00
Section Notes
Course Drop or Withdrawal
A course drop or withdrawal can be requested by students through the Student Portal. Deadline dates for each noted below:
   Drop Deadline: May 28, 2025
   Withdrawal Deadline: Jun 09, 2025
Course Transfer
Students wishing to transfer sections or courses should contact PCS directly for support.

All drops, withdrawals and transfers are subject to the applicable Refund Policy.
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