LEAD068 Foundations of Collective Leadership


Course Description

In this course, you will explore your purpose and responsibility within the context of collective leadership. You will consider collective leadership as an integrated ecosystem sustained through and across generations.

Collective leadership is akin to weaving, where individuals contribute to the whole, embodying the principle that everyone is a leader.

Course Outline

In this course, you will:

  • Learn about collective leadership through teachings from the Nahua (Aztec) people and various First Nations
  • Engage with course content organized into four units, or movements
  • Participate in community learning, intergenerational learning, and learning in relationship to the land, body, mind, and spirit
  • Engage with the learning community during virtual sessions, discussion forums, and team activities
  • Reflect intentionally and read course materials
  • Learn from guest speakers, instructors, the land, and each other
  • Increase your self-awareness

Learner Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Demonstrate confidence in your ability to effect change
  • Critically compare and contrast Western and Indigenous paradigms of leadership
  • Demonstrate deep listening skills
  • Identify the tools needed to build relationships, mobilize, and organize with others
  • Engage in a positive and inclusive learning experience

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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