CHMN045 Change Leadership in Turbulent Times


Course Description

If you want to enhance and strengthen your change leadership skills, this session is for you. You'll gain practical tools for navigating change that honor both the desired business outcomes and the human dimension.

Explore the differences between change and transition, strategies to involve stakeholders, and how to address resistance, stress, and conflict during times of change.

Course Outline

In this course, you will:

  • Learn the Change Leadership 5C Model for navigating change
  • Explore the concepts of change and transition
  • Understand how to avoid the Counter Cs that can derail change
  • Examine the role of culture in change initiatives
  • Utilize communication as a key lever in change

Learner Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Involve stakeholders to create greater ownership in change initiatives
  • Identify the differences between change and transition
  • Construct a preliminary change management action plan for a current change initiative
  • Identify strategies to address challenges associated with organizational change, such as resistance, organizational conflict, and stress
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