CLIM050 Natural Asset Management Fundamentals


Course Description

You will explore the challenges of declining infrastructure quality and diminishing ecosystem health, exacerbated by climate change. To address this, you will learn how leading local governments are starting to value and account for natural assets in their financial planning and asset management programs. This course covers core concepts, recent case examples, and the latest approaches to municipal natural asset management, delivered by the Executive Director of the Natural Assets Initiative.

Course Outline

In this course, you will:

  • Explore the challenges of declining infrastructure quality and ecosystem health
  • Understand how climate change exacerbates these challenges
  • Learn how to identify, value, and account for natural assets in financial planning and asset management
  • Study core concepts and terminology of natural asset management and green infrastructure
  • Review recent case examples of natural asset management in Canadian communities
  • Discuss key barriers and opportunities to scaling up natural asset management
  • Develop strategies to advance natural asset management in your own context
  • Participate in discussions with peers and the instructor to address specific challenges and opportunities in your community

Learner Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand and appreciate that natural assets can or do provide services to local governments
  • Recognize how modern structured asset management in Canada is a useful platform for natural asset management
  • Understand core terminology, including how natural assets fit within the concept of green infrastructure
  • Be familiar with several Canadian case examples of natural asset management
  • Identify key barriers and opportunities to scaling up natural asset management
  • Advance natural asset management in your own context and know where to find additional resources

Applies Towards the Following Certificates


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Section Title
Natural Asset Management: An Introduction to Making Nature Count in Canadian Municipalities
Mar 31, 2025 to Apr 27, 2025
Delivery Options
Course Fee(s)
Tuition non-credit $750.00
Instructors/Guest Speakers
  • Roy Brooke
Section Notes
Course Drop or Withdrawal
A course drop or withdrawal can be requested by students through the Student Portal. Deadline dates for each noted below:
   Drop Deadline: Apr 2, 2025
   Withdrawal Deadline: Apr 14, 2025
Course Transfer
Students wishing to transfer sections or courses should contact PCS directly for support.

All drops, withdrawals and transfers are subject to the applicable Refund Policy.
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