WRIT061 Hire a Writing Coach: Individualized Academic Writing Support


Course Description

Students at all stages can benefit from individualized guidance on the writing process, from topic exploration to writing mechanics. Participants will complete a short needs assessment and then be placed with a coach of complementary strengths to help them meet their individual goals.

Coaching is offered via telephone or through online collaboration tools at mutual convenience. In alignment with the Writing Centre and ethical guidelines at RRU, coaching enables powerful solutions to emerge from the student themselves.

Course Outline

In this course, you will:

  • Complete a needs assessment to identify your writing strengths and areas for improvement
  • Be matched with a coach based on complementary strengths and individual goals
  • Engage in personalized coaching sessions via telephone or online collaboration tools
  • Receive tailored guidance on various aspects of the writing process, from topic exploration to writing mechanics
  • Develop effective writing strategies and techniques through one-on-one coaching

Learner Outcomes

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify and address your individual writing challenges
  • Develop personalized writing strategies with the help of a coach
  • Improve your writing mechanics and overall writing process
  • Enhance your ability to explore topics and structure your writing effectively
  • Gain confidence in your writing skills through tailored guidance and feedback


  • Price: $700 CDN (non-refundable after course start date)
  • Students will receive a maximum of 10 hours of writing coach support up to 12 weeks
  • To register for writing coach support, please contact pcs@royalroads.ca
  • Prior to registering, students are encouraged to read the PCS refund policy
  • This course is not eligible for the Lifelong Learning Alumni Discount. 
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