Professional & Continuing Studies
Types of Learning
Classroom Courses
Students will be expected to participate in scheduled facilitator-led session(s) based on a previously established schedule. Session(s) are in-person (face-to-face) and take place on site at Royal Roads University or another previously determined location.
Online Courses
While there are many ways to learn online, below are brief descriptions of the three primary modes Professional and Continuing Studies uses to deliver our online courses.
Asynchronous Online Courses
Asynchronous simply means learning doesn’t take place live. Students will not be required to have set class meeting times and, instead, students will be provided with learning material and assignments to complete within set deadlines. Online learners can access coursework anytime they choose using our Management System (Moodle). Asynchronous learning uses discussion forums, multi-media and collaborative activities to foster student connection in delayed time.
Synchronous Online Courses
Synchronous literally translates to “at the same time.” In synchronous courses, students will be expected to participate in scheduled facilitator-led sessions based on a previously established schedule. Similar to webinars, synchronous online courses invite learners to interact through web conferencing tools (such as Zoom). Synchronous courses will expect students to be online at pre-established dates and times and may require that they have (or purchase) headsets, webcams and/or microphones.
Blended Online Courses
Blended Online courses integrate both synchronous and asynchronous learning methods. Students pursuing blended courses may be asked to attend pre-set synchronous sessions, such as a webinar, in addition to working on most course activities and assignments asynchronously.